Courageous Leaders Cohort

An Online Mastermind Group for Pregnancy Center Leaders

Imagine being different 12 months from now…

  • Leading with confidence instead of hesitation.

  • Enjoying authentic transformation after inviting the Holy Spirit into those nooks and crannies of your leadership.

  • Having lasting relationships with a group of like-minded leaders, those whom you have walked with and can now call on for answers to questions.

  • Making God proud with your decisions as a leader.

If you are willing to put in the work and are ready for change, join Courageous Leaders!

(Register or get more info below)

In this group you can expect…

  • One monthly 60-90-minute Zoom call with Robin and the group.

  • Coaching and conversation about CHARACTER TRAITS of a leader. Traits like Character, Charisma, Commitment, Communication, Competence, and more!

  • An online Facebook group where you and members of the cohort can connect and communicate regularly: asking questions, finding answers, and supporting one another.

  • Support from Robin - with a private, quarterly 30-minute coaching call with Robin as desired.

Your commitment…

  • Show up for the monthly Zoom call - making it a priority for 12 months.

  • You can join at any time, but the expectation is a 12-month commitment.

  • Maintain confidences of everyone in the cohort.

  • Do the transformative work in between sessions.

  • Support group participants through the facebook group as able.


Courageous Leaders will meet for 60-90 minutes ON THE 2ND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 10:00 AM (PST). (** a 2nd date will be agreed upon and added at our 1st meeting on September 12, 2024)


$100/month or $1,200 for the year! (5% discount if pay for a year in full)